How to Care for your bohokiwi Menstrual Swimwear

Taking care of your bohokiwi menstrual swimwear is essential to ensure its longevity and keep it in great condition. Follow these easy steps to maintain the quality of your swimwear and enjoy many summers or pool days to come:

  1. Pre-Wear Wash: Before wearing your menstrual swimwear for the first time, give it a gentle wash. This helps remove any residual manufacturing substances and ensures a fresh start.

  2. Rinse Immediately After Use: After using your menstrual swimwear, rinse it in cold water (<30°C) or soak it in cold water to remove menstrual blood. This step is crucial for preventing stains and maintaining cleanliness.

  3. Gentle Cold Water Wash: Always wash your menstrual swimwear in cold water using a mild detergent. Avoid using hot water or strong detergents, as they can cause damage to the fabric. Cold water is gentle on the material while effectively removing any impurities.

  4. Air Dry in a Well-Ventilated Area: Hang your swimwear out to dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid tumble drying or exposing it to direct heat sources like radiators or direct sunlight. Air drying preserves the fabric and helps maintain its shape.

  5. Skip the Fabric Softener: Avoid using fabric softener when caring for your bohokiwi menstrual swimwear. Fabric softeners can damage the fabric and reduce its effectiveness, so it's best to skip this step altogether.

By following these simple care instructions, you'll ensure that your bohokiwi menstrual swimwear remains in excellent condition for a long time. Remember, proper care not only extends the lifespan of your swimwear but also helps maintain its performance, ensuring you have a worry-free and comfortable swimming experience.

So, dive in, have fun, and enjoy the convenience and confidence that come with your bohokiwi menstrual swimwear!