How to Measure Your Cervix

The position of your cervix can affect the fit of your menstrual cup. To choose the best cup size for you, it's important to measure your cervix height. You may have either a low, regular or high cervix, and this factor may or may not influence your cup size selection.

To measure your cervix height, follow these simple steps:

  1. Get a ruler or tape measure ready.
  2. Insert your index finger (the finger next to your thumb) into your vagina and feel for your cervix, which is located at the top of your vaginal canal. The cervix will feel firmer than the surrounding soft tissue.
  3. Place your thumb just inside the inner lips to mark the place on your index finger. Take note of how far your finger is in and then remove it.
  4. Measure the length of your finger from the tip to the thumb mark using a ruler or tape measure.
  5. You should now have a more accurate idea of your cervix height, which will help you choose the best cup size for you personally.

Based on your cervix height measurement, here are some general guidelines:

  • Low Cervix: up to 45mm - we recommend trying a mini cup
  • Average Cervix: 46mm – 55mm - we recommend trying a regular cup
  • High Cervix: 56mm or more - we recommend trying a large cup

Note that Bohokiwi menstrual cups come with a stem, so you'll need to include the stem length when choosing your cup size based on your cervix height.